What is it about "late start" Wednesday that just doesn't work for me? Our schools start one hour late on Wednesdays. You would think that would give me an extra hour to have a cup of coffee, return emails, make a few calls and possibly watch the news or a little Bravo TV (gotta love those "Real Housewives"). It starts out that way... my husband gets up and gets going to work. It's a relaxing process. I get up and believe in the magic extra hour that is coming my way... and presto... it is now time to get to school.... Where did the time go? We rush and run around... and nobody can tell me what happened to "my" hour I deserved. This morning I assumed that extra hour would allow me time to take photos of my kids to post on my blog. My daughter informed me she needed help curling her hair. I told her I'd do it if she would let me take her photo. I guilted her into it by telling her I forgot to do it on the first day of school (months ago). She agreed. Next I tried my son. Not as lucky... he said no. I bribed him. He then said yes. I got the photos.... then we rushed to school just in time for the bell. Did I mention I had slippers on and my coffee was cold??? And I made it home to start my day of work... You gotta love Wednesday mornings. Happy Wednesday to you!
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