"The dress".... purchased two months ago. Altered. Worn once. Worth every penny!!!

"Roy"!!! Our cake had a name. Ashlyn spent hours on it. The recipe came from www.megduerksen.typepad.com blog. It was delicious!!!!

Cheers to getting older! Notice only the teens were cheering to that one???

Dramatic performances as they wait for their friend to curl her hair.
Age 13! So grown up. Yet so young at heart. I remember the day you were born. The sweetest smile. The softest hair. The most beautiful eyes. You were truly a gift from God. Now it is 13 years later. Thank you Auntie Barb for letting us stay in your cottage. Alderbrook Resort is one of my favorite places. When Brooke was asked where she wanted to stay for her birthday, she said it was between a fancy hotel in Seattle (with white robes, slippers, a pool and room service) or Alderbrook. And what do you know... Alderbrook it was! A memorable weekend.... A cat named Brooke, a view of Bill Gates beach place, swimming, hot tubing, sauna and steam room, fancy clothes, yummy food, endless chats, tons of questions, volleyball in high heels, sleeping bag giggling..... and lots of fun. I am so proud of my daughter. I love her just as much today as the day they placed her into my arms. Now what do you think Mason will want to do on his 13th bday? I'll bet he will want to spend the night at some video game store and eat candy.... then go home and watch sports all night on the big screen! Pure heaven I can imagine. I will blog about that in 3 1/2 years. So for now I will cherish my moments with my kids as I watch them grow. May the lessons of life be good ones always.
Love, mom
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