I've been asked lately why I don't slow down a bit. After giving it a lot of thought I realized I love my crazy, hectic life. I will always be wishing for things. I will always want more time on my hands. But, at the end of the day I have God, my family, my friends, our health and my own silly kind of happiness. That is what I want.... And that is what I know for sure! As I set into a summer routine (or no routine at all... is what is most likely to happen), I am excited about the following things...

KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON... need I say more? I plan to fill this vase with more notes this summer.

I made a summer list. I've always wanted to do that. I chose things we could all be involved in.... even the silly string fight! When the kids got home the other day they asked if we could get the trampoline that evening. I said NO. It is our SUMMER list and summer does not officially start for our family until next Friday. They will just have to wait. Here's my list: Buy a trampoline... Go on a mission trip to Mexico... Spend the night in Seattle... Decorate the patio... Bake a 6 layer cake... Make a CD of family favorites... Kids cook dinner... Paint the bar... Go to a concert... Make homemade lemonade... Buy a new address book and organize it... Switch kids rooms... Fill a bowl with wishing rocks... Find a 4 leaf clover... Make a stepping stone with footprints... Make a cookbook of our favorite recipes... Have a Silly String fight... Fill my wish jar... Have fun!

The local parade. It only happens once a year. Last year it rained. This year it was perfect. We drank lemonade (kids) and iced lattes (me). I watched Brooke walk for her second year with her cheerleading squad. She looks so grown up. What happens to our babies? Just too sweet for words. Go PYC!

And yes, we gave in this year... we are letting Mason play football this fall. How cute is he in his little jersey? Go PYF! Summer camps and late night bbq's on the patio. I can't wait to watch them both.

t.fisher tshirts! I am currently working on new designs. Thank you to everyone who bought them last year. Remember your college buyers are only an email away if you want to see my designs in their bookstores. www.myuapparel.com :) p.s.... Co Cougs!

People that don't know me ask if this is me! No, I am 46. Annie is 21! Those were the days. She is truly my partner in crime. She helped me through my first official college fashion show in Florida. You should have heard our late night conversations. And she even got us into a party that was exclusive... with free drinks. Yes, I will bring Annie to next years show for sure!

This summer I promise to spend more time with my peeps (friends). Days and evenings at the beach. White wine by day. Red by night. Sharing stories, recipes, remedies, advice and laughing at the world. We try not to take life so seriously.... it's just easier that way!

Thanks to Meg Duerksen on her Whatever blog (http://www.megduerksen.typepad.com/) , we found the recipe for this cake. Brooke and her friends celebrated their 13th bdays with it. It was so much fun. It inspired me to make my own 6 layer cake this summer "just because". I can't wait to see what mine will look like. I'm getting my creative cap on! Should be interesting.

I promise to paint more this summer. And try not to take it so seriously. This is a great quote from an unknown author.... "Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, a cosmo in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, screaming WOO HOO, what a ride!"... I think I changed a few of the words... but you get it!??!

I want to do more art for kids.... inspirational... motivating... just fun art!

And of course the Nakamol jewelry. I love this line. I enjoy seeing it, buying it, selling it and wearing it! It makes me feel good. Don't know why... just does.

I can't wait for our summer party. But for now I am going to enjoy the great colors and styles of what we have on hand. It's sparkly. It's funky. It's unlike anything I've ever had. Love it. Love it. Love it.
So, my plan is this.... I am going to have a summer of fun and make some great memories. I am going to let these months be ones I will remember forever. I will use this blog to update family and friends on my life. Not so sure it will interest anyone. But I do know the grandparents like to be kept in the loop of the grandkids and this is the best way I could find. If you want to know about my "work" life... you will have to go to www.liveitupalittle.blogspot.com. That's where I will post what's for sale, new art, and almost-daily updates on my growing businesses. Happy Summer 2010 everyone!!~!!!
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