A man is a success is he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.

- Bob Dylan

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy cake... Gum drops bring smiles!

Gum drops.....

bring smiles.... and feed your inner kid!!!
This was such a yummy photo that I had to blog about it twice (to see the other blog go to http://www.liveitupalittle.blogspot.com/). I was shopping the other day and could not resist the colors in the candy aisle. The gum drops (actually these ones were called spice drops) just called my name. I grabbed two packages, then found myself in the baking section. A white cake (with pudding in the mix) and white frosting in a can (actually, two cans.... white with whip cream is what the package said) would accompany the cute little gum drops. I baked the cake. Cooled it. Frosted it. Arranged the candy on the top and sides. Then I refrigerated it... after I swiped some frosting and a few candies off the side. This might be the happiest cake I've ever made. Well, maybe the cake wasn't actually happy... but it made me happy! It was a tie between this one and the rainbow cake on the Whatever blog (you will find the recipe at http://www.megduerksen.typepad.com/). I do have to say though... my cake took only minutes to make (minus the baking and cooling). Next time you are in the candy section of your favorite grocery store.... grab a bag or two of something you remember from your childhood and top a cake with it. I dare you! For the record I might try the Swedish Fish next time. After all I am part Swedish.... and my kids love those red fish... and our last name is Fisher.
What a fabulous idea!
- Tracy

1 comment:

  1. O.K. I have to take the dare. That cake
    does look happy and it made me smile just reading about it!
